Awards & Recognitions is truly appreciative and grateful for the support of the global business community because this success would never have been possible without their tremendous support.
Singapore’s Most Innovative Business for Sales Platform
Being voted as Singapore’s Most Innovative Business for Sales Platform by Singapore Brand is truly and honour and we are very happy to continue to work hard and be worthy of this title. We are passionate about what we do and about the customers we service and we will continue to find better and more innovative solutions to meet every customer’s needs.
Thanks to his efforts and the team at, buying and selling in Singapore has never been easier. The best thing about it? This free service offers users the guarantee and security that their business is in good hands with a website that is trusted by all who use it.
Channel 8 Frontline: Business Takeovers amidst COVID-19
Channel 8 Frontline featured EasyBuySell Business in its segment on businesses for sale during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increase in Buying and Selling of Businesses
Channel 8 reported that based on EasyBuySell Business’s statistics, approximately 230 businesses have been listed on the free online platform this year, between February and August 2020. This reflects a sharp increase of more than 2.5 times, in comparison to 91 businesses listed on the platform over the same period in 2019.
Frontline added that there was a surge in the number of firms listing their businesses for sale during COVID-19. Additionally, due to the current pandemic, it was reported that there is a higher demand for businesses in the service sectors, especially cleaning services.