Best Company Secretary Services in Hong Kong

The Future of Your Business Is Based on “the Best of the Best”

Best Company Secretary Service in Hong Kong A limited company business entity in Hong Kong must have a company secretary on their team. 3E Accounting offers the best Company Secretary Services in Hong Kong at a very affordable price.


Do I Need a Company Secretary?

Yes, if you are running a business in Hong Kong, the company secretary is a legal requirement you must follow. This requirement is stipulated in the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622) (CO) and the Listing Rules (LR) 3.28, and Section F of the Corporate Governance Code (CG Code). Under the rules, you must still appoint a corporate secretary even if your company is not a Hong Kong company.


Why Engage 3E Accounting’s Company Secretary Services?

No business ever achieved success on their own. At some point, they had one, two, or a group of people who helped them get to where they are. The team at 3E Accounting has been the stepping stone behind the success of many businesses in Hong Kong. The reason for the success is simple: Tailor-made solutions are created with your unique business needs in mind.

What sets 3E Accounting apart from its competitors is the services that are offered. The team at 3E Accounting is innovative, creative, insightful, and efficient, all the qualities that spell out the recipe for success. The impressive turnaround time and affordable packages have made 3E Accounting a top choice for many entrepreneurs who desire to chart their own business success in this region.


Affordable Yet Effective

Service packages do not have to be expensive to be deemed effective. In fact, 3E Accounting takes pride in how affordable its packages are without compromising the efficiency and effectiveness of service. You get more than what you pay for because 3E Accounting is a team that goes above and beyond to ensure clients are happy every step of the way.

Here in Hong Kong, 3E Accounting offers the best Company Secretary Services for the following price:

Packages Available Fee (HKD)
Annual Company Secretary Service


(Tap on to SME Entrepreneur Support Grant to enjoy 50% / HK$750 off the first year fee)

Annual Return Submission Free @
Assistance on the processing of Business Registration Fee payable to the government for renewal of a certificate Free @@
Apply for an additional branch registration certificate(s) for the place which actually carrying on any business in Hong Kong A one-off service fee of HK$200 per branch registration certificate (exclusive of branch registration fee chargeable by the Inland Revenue Department annually)
Notification of commencement of business to IRD Free

@ Free, if the annual return submission is delivered on time; within 42 days after the company’s return date (i.e. the anniversary of the company’s date of incorporation)
@@ Assistance will be provided for the processing of Business Registration Fee payable to the government for renewal of a certificate, the Company Secretarial Package does not include the Business Registration Fee itself. The Business Registration Fee will be renewed on an annual basis as the amount set by the government can vary yearly. For instance, the Business Registration Fee prior to April 2019 is set as HK$2,250 per year but with effect from April 2019, it is reduced to HK$250 per year.

The package price includes everything that your business needs from a company secretary. This includes the following:

  • Act as Corporate Company Secretary for one year;
  • Act as coordinator with the Government of Hong Kong;
  • Prepare and file your Annual Returns to the Companies Registry;
  • Prepare written resolutions for the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”);
  • Maintaining the Minutes and Register Books.
  • Liaising with the auditor for annual statutory audit on secretarial records.
  • Assistance will be provided for the processing of Business Registration Fee payable to the government, the Company Secretarial Package does not include the Business Registration Fee itself.
  • Assistance in the preparation of the Significant Controllers Register and provision of a designated representative to liaise with the Hong Kong authorities.
  • Advisory on matters with regards to the secretarial/statutory/compliance/ accounting/tax.
  • Monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant government regulations and legal requirements, especially under the Companies Ordinance and Inland Revenue Ordinance. (Clients will receive regular compliance alerts via email).

For more information about the services we offer, contact the 3E Accounting Hong Kong team today.